Testuser & Miley Cyrus
Comparison of cycles
Comparing biorhythm cycles provides insightful indications about your compatibility with another individual. High values signify a harmonious connection, while lower values reflect a contrasting dynamic, indicative of a complementary relationship. This contrast often serves to balance each other out in difficult situations.
Harmony or Complement
- Physical 83% Match Harmony strong
- Emotional 93 %Match Harmony strong
- Intellectual 64% Match Harmony moderate
- Intuitive 74 %Match Harmony moderate
- Spirituality 70 %Match Harmony moderate
- Awareness 88 %Match Harmony strong
- Aesthetic 2 %Match Complement strong
A great deal of harmony is matched by a moderate amount of complementation. The elements are very harmonious, although the complement is not quite as strong. This could indicate that they go well together, but may not meet all of each other's needs.